Friday, August 23, 2013

TV socks

For my birthday in May I got two books filled with knitting patterns of socks and hats and mittens - a loooovely present! I already finished several pairs of socks, mittens and hats (I don't always stick to the patterns in the book but use them sometimes as a source of inspiration). But I sticked carefully to a pattern called "sjónvarpssokkar" (TV socks), a rather old and simple sock pattern. Actually I am not sure if they originated in Iceland or in Denmark but the idea is to keep the feet warm while sitting on the sofa and watching TV. The book suggested to use three strands of unspun lopi (which is the name of the unspun wool which is sold here in Iceland), so the socks became rather bulky and keep the feet very warm. Perfect indoor socks during the cold season! It is not always so easy though to knit with unspun wool since the yarn is rupturing so easily and so often ...

The pattern works different than most sock patterns: first a cloth is knitted using almost only knit stitches enlarging the part of heel a bit. Then the cloth is sewn together at its long ends and voilá, it becomes a sock.
Sjónvarpssokkar (TV socks)

Easy to knit interesting project. But probably it would get a bit boring to knit really many of them. 
They are a present for Gauti´s mom, by the way.

1 comment:

  1. Hæ, mig langar að prufa svona sjónvarpssokka, selurðu uppskrift af þessum?
