Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The tongue, the ostrich and the goat's mountain

Iceland has countless mountains and many of them have quite interesting names ... 
One of the easiest walkable and yet most beautiful mountains in the Húsafell area is Mt. Tunga (tongue). It is a rather flat and long mountain and at its Western end are two rivers confluecing, hence it carries the name tongue. It is a really good destination for evening hikes in the summer time, especially around sundown. The view is wonderful (three glaciers, a part of the highlands, a huge lava field, the Húsafell forest and the upper part of the Borgarfjörður fjord) and the declining sun bathes both landscape and the sky in beautiful yellow, orange and red colours. We were hiking up Tunga in the beginning of July and walked it up again some days ago. Gauti took some really good panorama picture and here it is:
Panorama from Mt. Tunga.
The panorama shows (from left to right):
Mt. Strútur (the ostriche). Really nice view from it. I was up there two years ago and Gauti and I want to hike it up again when we both have the same day off and the weather is calm and clear.
Eíriksjökull, the glacier of Eirik the viking. I have the (crazy?) idea in the back of my mind to hike this one up one day.
Hafrafell (male goat's mountain). Gauti and I plan to walk this one up some time.
Langjökull (long glacier), second biggest glacier of Iceland. I have been up there several times and it is gorgeous to be up there (but the weather can be very different in different parts of the glacier ...).
Mountain road Kaldidalur in the foreground. Closed for the longest part of the year. Possible to drive it with a normal car if you take care of the holes and the water and don't tell the car rentals or the person you rented the car from ... We did it once with the car of Gauti's family and decided to tell them afterwards. :)

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