Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween kids

"Halloween accident kids."
This is how I call them, the three puppies that were born on 31st October in Gauti's family's house. They are accident kids indeed. Their mom, a lovely Border Collie/Icelandic dog lady, became unexpectedly and very fast pregnant in the beginning of September. Halloween's Day then brought a snow storm and three tiny cute puppies. A boy and two girls being a mixture of Border Collie, Icelandic dog, Irish Setter and Labrador. They are drinking milk all day long at their mom's teats, sleep, clumsily move around their mom and make cute guinea pig sounds when they miss a teat. I took some photos of the cuties yesterday.
The beautiful mom Tása with her three puppies, four days old.
I'm tired! The little girl felt asleep half a minute after we took her.
The little boy sleeping in Gauti's hands.
Very sleepy puppies: the other girl napping in the air.
I am cute and I know it!

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