Saturday, October 19, 2013

Little raw bounty cakes

One thing I love when going grocery shopping in Iceland is looking out for Solla food. Solveig Eíriksdóttir (called "Solla Eíriks") simply is Icelands master of healthy and incredibly tasty food. She has her own organic food label, runs two restaurants in Reykjavík and was awarded as the best raw food maker in the world in 2011 and 2012. Furthermore, she regularly publishes recipies on one of the big news sites of Iceland. Her food label Himneskt contains lots of unusual foods which this island has never seen before (and much of Europe neither, I guess): chia seeds, chlorella, lucuma, ashawaganda, or wheat grass, just to name some of them.
Quite wow, this woman! I simply love to dig through her sortiment and try out everything.
Solla Eíriks, the "best raw food maker in the world" and simply Icelands leading healthy and tasty food master.

Last weekend and today I have been trying out one cake and a muffin recipy inspired by her. And they are just so simply to make and yummy! So I want to share one of them here:

Little raw bounty cakes
3/4 cup dates (dried)
1/2 cup water
2-3 tablespoons coconut oil
3 cups coconut flour
1/2 cup cocoa
2 tea spoons vanilla
2 table spoons honey or agave syrup
Some chopped fresh fruit to put on top of them, I used apricots but bananas fit as well.

Chop the dates and boil them for about five minutes with the water until they have softened enough to blend them well in a blender. Mix together all ingredients (apart from the fresh fruit), place them in muffin forms and put them into the freezer for about one to two hours. Take them out, place the fresh fruit on top and serve, voilà!

Edit (20 Oct.): I wasn't content with the photos I posted yesterday, so I took some new ones right now. The landscape outside is frozen and crispy and this literally called for a new photography genre: raw frozen cakes in raw frozen landscape! I just might have found a new passion ...

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