Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The title for today's blog post must be in German. Because I don't know any English expression which fits better. (Häkelschäfchen translates as "little crochet sheep" but it seems there is no single word for a little sheep in English unless sheepling is a registered term. Sheepling. Hm. I like sheepling.)

The world outside has transformed into blurry white and grey layers since a howling wind is blowing an endless amount of snowflakes from West to East. Indeed, it doesn't snow down from the clouds. The snow seems to come from everywhere but from upwards. And through those whitish grey layers the outlines of the landscape first become blurry and then disappear completely. Often this happens within just a few seconds. When we did a little hike to Húsafell's guestbook in a low mountain range the greyness surprised us. While the view was clear and the weather calm on our way up it changed very suddendly on our way down: just within a few seconds the grey wall came from the West and let the landscape under us disappear.
The weather forecast is talking about a wave of biting coldth (-25°C) arriving on Thursday and Friday. And an endless amount of snow on Saturday. (Yes yes yes!)

While snow, howling winds and biting cold take over the land it's cosy to spend time inside and craft. Craft craft craft. I got two skeins of handspun yarn from Rúna, which is an old lady living in a low house hidden behind some cliffs who is spinning and knitting. (A bit like in a children's story. She started teaching me how to spin yarn recently, but more about that in one of my next posts.) I am not sure what to do with the two beautiful skeins of wool yet which come from a white sheep and a brown sheep, so I started playing around with the crochet needle and a bit of the yarn ... and it became a little sheep which I really like! This is the reason for today's title, my Häkelschäfchen, my crochet sheepling. I really like his eyes. It might be a promising starting point for many knit and crochet products. And he is so fast to crochet!

Well, here he is, my Häkelschäfchen prototype:

Sheepling Häkelschäfchen fits well on a granny square.

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