Monday, July 29, 2013

Oh the weird days of our lifes.

What a day! Everything feels really weird today. It started with thunderstorms. That is quite unusual and I felt like I wasn't in Iceland anymore. It was hot (!?) and dark clouds built up, flashes were coming down over the highland and the thunder was rolling "making the windows tremble" (said the farmers). In the news it was told of a hiking group in the highlands whose hair was standing up because the air was so electrified.
I felt electrified too, nervous because I was expecting my parents and friends coming today evening coming with two different flights and I tried to put a plan together how to pick all of them up in a very small car and I was dealing with a stomach flue ....
Then it started raining, it rained a lot, and Gauti was just about to finish his work shift when a couple came in looking wet and a bit desperate because their car tire was punctured and they had to go to the next workshop (20 km from Húsafell). We drove them there and drove them back and we were joking that they have to help us in return if the same will happen to us .....
It happened. Just a few hours later. On my way to Keflavík airport a heart a silent "sss sss sss" on my side of the car. "It's probably the wind", I thought. "The wind is sometimes so strange in Iceland ...." KKKKKRRRHHKKK. The car was shaking and driving on something hard. The tire was not only punctured but half exploded. And I had to park the car on the road turning on all warning lights and calling to Gauti's family to "rescue me!!!"
They are so great and arrived with the jeep and put the reserve wheel on ("that's a bike tire", Gauti's dad commented the thin reserve wheel). I drove back to Húsafell just hoping that none of the other tires was punctured too and would explode .... They didn't (yet). Europcar told us to bring the car to the next bigger gas station (Borgarnes, 70 km) and then to Reykjavík where they hopefully will fix it.

Now my friends are somewhere between Keflavík and Reykjavík and my parents are on the airport and got a new car from Europcar and we are stuck in Húsafell. And the day just feels really really weird .... But somehow the weirdness cured the stomach flue. And there is always much to learn from weird days.

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